inSPIRE STEM USA Supporting Productive Immigration Reform & Education

In the News

Politico Morning Tech for April 12, 2013

SOURCE: Politico ADVOCATES DIG NEW DEMOCRAT COALITION’S STEM PRINCIPLES – Interest groups are heralding principles released yesterday by the NDC, which advocate for a dedicated funding stream – a not-so-subtle elbow at the upper chamber’s Gang of Eight, who they’ve been pleading with to address the issue. The newbie lawmakers also backed efforts to recruit and retain more individuals with STEM education, while stakeholders keyed on the announcement as they await the Senate’s Tuesday proposal. inSPIRE STEM USA Executive Director Beneva Schulte said high-skilled immigration would be “far less meaningful if we don’t create a stronger STEM education pipeline that… Read More »

Politico Morning Tech for April 11, 2013

SOURCE: Politico INSPIRE STEM WRITES, LOBBIES ON STEM EDUCATION FUND – In a letter sent this week to Senate leaders working on comprehensive immigration reform, the inSPIRE STEM coalition is pushing lawmakers to include a STEM education fund as part of the overall package. The letter points to the Immigration Innovation Act of 2013, which includes a provision to create a fund for educating and retraining workers in science, technology, engineering and math fields, as an example. And the group, which includes Microsoft and IBM as members, is also meeting with lawmakers in both houses and getting set to run… Read More »

Gun Control Debate Pushes Back GOP Talk on Immigration

SOURCE: The Hill Immigration reform legislation initially set to be unveiled as early as Thursday could be delayed until next week as the Senate’s Gang of Eight scrambles to finish the bill. Negotiators say they’re working on last-minute tweaks before unveiling the legislation, which also slipped down the Senate agenda following Wednesday’s announcement of a deal on gun violence legislation. … IBM, Microsoft and several interest groups sent a letter to members of the Senate group Tuesday urging them to make up for the shortage of U.S. workers with technical training. “Unfortunately, our country is not producing enough workers to… Read More »

Bipartisan Coalition Bolsters U.S. STEM

SOURCE: Politico By Sen. John E. Sununu and Maria Cardona The sequester’s arrival on March 1 left Americans with more questions than answers about our country’s economic future. Most of all, it epitomized the challenge of finding consensus in the current political climate. That failure makes the bipartisan movement on immigration reform this year all the more impressive – and one that could soon take us from a national discussion to legislative reality. As part of the immigration reform debate, we have a unique opportunity within our grasp: strengthening our high-tech industry today as well as putting resources behind the… Read More »

Maria Cardona Encourages Immigration Reform & STEM Education Through inSPIRE STEM USA

SOURCE: Media Rumba By Frankie De Soto Last week, I had a great opportunity to interview Maria Cardona on her involvement with immigration reform and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education through inSPIRE STEM USA, an organization comprised of companies and leaders that push for STEM education in schools as well as reforming the US Immigration system at the same time through STEM education. Maria Cardona served as a Senior Advisor to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign as well as leading her Hispanic Outreach team. Maria also served a key role within the Obama for America campaign appearing… Read More »

Higher Education Leaders Join Immigration Reform Coalition

SOURCE: Diverse Issues in Higher Education By Ronald Roach In recent years, immigrant rights organizations, students and social activists have called on U.S. higher education institutions to get behind state and federal legislative measures, such as the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform. While legislative action on immigration reform policies has been very limited, colleges and university campuses at least proved to be friendly places for discussion among those debating and advocating reform. In the wake of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address during which he proclaimed that “leaders from the business, labor, law enforcement, faith communities…all agree… Read More »

Comentarios from Maria: “House Steps Up with National STEM Competition”

SOURCE: Latinovations By Maria Cardona Added Focus Can Help Address Disparities in Math and Science Former Astronaut Jose Hernandez makes a strong case for expanding opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and computer science fields in a recent op-ed saying “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we are trailing the rest of the world” in developing STEM talent. Hernandez goes on to praise the provision of the bi-partisan I-Squared Act that establishes a national STEM education fund. While Congress is still considering I-Squared, it has taken another important step designed to attract more students to STEM… Read More »

Coalition Uploads Dell, GE

SOURCE: Roll Call By Kate Ackley Six new members have signed on to the inSPIRE STEM USA Coalition, including Dell Inc. and General Electric Co. The group, also known as the Supporting Productive Immigration Reform and Education coalition, is urging new immigration and education policies that would result in more workers with expertise in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. InSPIRE STEM is chaired by former Sen. John E. Sununu of New Hampshire and Maria Cardona, a former adviser to the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton. In addition to Dell and GE, the Afterschool Alliance,, the KISS Institute for… Read More »

inSPIRE STEM USA Co-Chair John Sununu Discusses the Strong Bipartisan Support for I-Squared Act

SOURCE: All eyes are on the sequester. But when it comes to the notion of “can’t we all get along,” it seems prospects for immigration reform are strong – especially when it comes to bringing in highly skilled workers. Former New Hampshire Senator John Sununu is immersed in the issue and talks about the strong bipartisan support. Sununu examins why it is so critical for the future of New England’s economy. Watch the video on »

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